Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome Brayden Ray Sherrill!

Welcome to this crazy world Brayden Ray
Born October 4, 2011
7lbs 13oz
20 3/4 in.

I was in labor for 27 hours from the time they started the cervidil(a way to begin the process, and soften my cervix)
I had the pitocin to start my contractions and water ended up breaking on it's own. That in turn made my contractions much stronger & closer together. I gladly got an epideral and don't understand why anyone would opt out of it, the epideral itself didn't even hurt at that point! We continued to wait and wait and wait... Not much progress was happening and little baby's heart rate began dropping so they put me on oxygen & made me stay on my side. I ended up only making it to 4cm and my temperature went up to 102 and Brayden's heart rate wasn't getting any better. Dr. Little decided at that point that it would be another 12 hours or more before I dilated to the 10cm. Waiting that long was definitely not an option, especially since my temperature spiked. We immediately got prepared for a C-section and I was pushed to the front of the line of other women who needed one right then. That was the first time I had cried during the entire labor process, not that I didn't want the c-section, it was just all so overwhelming. The thought that I was about to see my SON for the very first time was just so unbelievable. As I lay there in the operating room, Andrew holding my hand, oxygen mask on, IV's in, it seemed like it happened so fast and I heard my son begin to cry! It almost felt like it wasn't real when the nurse put him up to my face for me to look at him in the eyes & kiss him for the first time.

He was born on a Tuesday and we stayed in the hospital until Friday, during that time I did not sleep at night because I was just terrified something would go wrong. Why did he cough? Is he suppose to make that sound while he sleeps? Is he ok? The worry and love you instantly feel is undescribable!
My recovery has been pretty good, and we're finally beginning to settle into a routine.
Night time is still the hardest, he eats every 2-3 hours so all I do is take short naps throughout the day. He is the perfect baby and I have never been so in love. You truely do not know love until you have a child, it is definitely incredibly hard, & frustrating at times, but when he looks up at me knowing that I am the center of his world all the sleepless nights are well worth it. We need each other now, and it is the most amazing feeling in the world.
He will be 3 weeks old tomorrow at 9:18, my future is so bright now because I get to embark on this journey of teaching him to be a wonderful little man!
My love for you grows more and more each day son!
Mommy Loves you!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously crying my eyes out right now. I am so happy for you. Brayden is the luckiest little boy in the world to have you for a mommy. I am so proud of you Abbie. I am so thankful that God put you in my life. I don't know what I would do without you. I hope that I can feel this love and be a mommy too one day.

    I love you
